Lecture at the Architects’ Forum on Sunday, October 15.

Yasuhiro Yamashita, President of Atelier Tekoto, will give a lecture at the Architects’ Forum on Tuesday, October 15.
We look forward to seeing you there.

The following is reprinted from the announcement flyer of the Architects Forum.

<Shima, Hito, Takara>

In today’s Japan, where a declining birthrate, aging population, and the disappearance of rural areas are standard social and economic issues, architects are concentrating their activities in cities where there is a demand for their services, and are working in urban spaces that are already densely saturated.
On the other hand, architects and urban planners involved in urban development in rural areas are fighting daily for the revitalization of rural areas among stakeholders who sometimes have conflicting interests.

Yasuhiro Yamashita, as an architect, has created numerous masterpieces that express novel structures as the main elements of architectural spaces. As a result, I imagine that the public is beginning to think of RC architects as “Ato in the west and Yshita in the east.

Mr. Yamashita’s new challenge, the “Dendpaku” project, is attracting a lot of attention for sweeping away the image of such an architect.n this much-talked-about community development project in his hometown of Amami Oshima, Mr. Yamashita has transcended the realm of an architect and has become a stakeholder in the project, creating a new business model with a vision that expands daily to include lodging facilities, community centers, and elderly care facilities. He has inspired his colleagues around Japan to create a new image of architects as social architects, developers, and entrepreneurs.

In the October forum, Mr. Yamashita will present his activities and architectural examples that dispel the notion that architects are a profession and not a company, and give us hope that architects can realize their dream of “changing the world” in the true sense of the word. (George Kunihiro)

■ Lecture

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Accepting begins at 6:30 p.m. Lecture begins at 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
【Reservation required Deadline:October11
※Please note that the opening time is different from the regular forum.

Speaker: Yasuhiro Yamashita, Architect, President, Atelier Tekuhto Inc.
Representative Director of Amami Innovation Co.

Interviewer: George Kunihiro (Secretary of Architects Forum / Architect)

■ Venue location

Ryogoku Building 10F, 4-31-17 Ryogoku, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan TEL:03-6658-5720

Directions from major transportation. 3 minutes walk from the East Exit of Ryogoku Station on the JR Sobu Line.
3 minutes walk from Exit A4 of Ryogoku Station on the Toei Oedo Line.

Parking lots  No parking (There are private parking lots in the vicinity.)

Lecture Fee(Price includes refreshments.)
Members: Free Corporate members: (up to 3) Free
General visitors: 2,000 yen Students and graduate students: 1,000 yen

How to register for the lecture.

If you are a member of the Architects Forum, please make a reservation by using the dedicated fax application form or e-mail.

How to contact.

Please contact Shigesu or Akita at the Secretariat of the Architects Forum.
TEL: 03-6658-5720 FAX: 03-5600-7797
Contact information for the day.:070-1268-0110(Shigesu)

山下 保博 やました やすひろ
国広 ジョージ くにひろ じょーじ
1960  年鹿児島県奄美市生まれ。1951  東京都生まれ(米国籍)
1986  芝浦工業大学大学院工学研究科建設工学修士課程修了1964  渡米
1991  山下海建築研究所設立1974  カリフォルニア大学バークレー校環境デザイン学部卒業
1995  事務所名をアトリエ・天工人(テクト)に改称、国内外で多くの建築賞を受賞。1976  ハーバード大学大学院デザインスクール修士修了、※アメリカで建築家として活動 (1976-1996)
2016  奄美の古民家を宿泊施設として再生させた「伝泊」を事業化1997  日本にて設計活動を開始
2018  地域包括コミュニティ施設「伝泊+まーぐん広場・赤木名」をオープン1998  国士舘大学工学部助教授
2019  5月新会社「伝泊+工芸」を設立し、アートと宿泊、食を軸とした地域づくりを全国で精力的に続けている
2001  東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻博士課程単位取得退学
2003  国士舘大学工学部(2007年4月より理工学部)教授
2006  日本建築家協会(JIA)副会長
2011  アルカシア(ARCASIAアジア建築家評議会)会長[2011-2012]
2011  清華大学客員教授 [中国] (2011-現在)
  日本建築家協会(JIA)、日本建築学会(AIJ) などでも広く活動。