Saturday June 22, architecture students and fresh graduates from Uruguay’s public university, University of the Republic, visited two of our projects, “Boltun” and “Magritte’s”, and then came over to our office to have a glimpse of an architecture studio in Tokyo. Our vice president Mizukami, a born entertainer, showed them around refreshing his Spanish skills as well.
Every year since 1944, between 250 and 300 students make an 8-month study trip around the world to visit and get acquainted with places, cultures, cities and buildings that are essential from the architectural viewpoint. According to what Mizukami heard, funds for this trip are raised by selling “architecture lottery tickets”. It would be great if we had similar educational programs in Japan.
Three years ago, we introduced our residential project “MONOCLINIC” for this program for the first time.
We hope the visits had been inspirational and instructive for the participants!
Lecture at Boltun’s 3rd floor reception space
Boltun, 2nd floor
All smiles in front of “Magritte’s”
“Magritte’s”, build with prestressed concrete
Studio visit at TEKUTO