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Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA was featured in the July issue of “Discover Japan ₋ The Southern Island Resorts You Want to Visit Now.

Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA was featured in “Discover Japan July Issue ₋ Resorts in the South Island You Want to Visit Now – (p.98-)” on sale June 10, 2024.

Hotel journalist Kyoko Sekine visited Amami Oshima and interviewed us.
The article introduces various aspects of the charms of Amami, from the guest rooms where you can be healed by the beautiful nature of Amami Oshima to the local producers who support the food at Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA.

We at Denpaku are very happy to hear that we offer our services with the hope that our guests can spend a healing time in a zen-like space where they can talk deeply with themselves,
The villa construction, the beautiful ocean, and the kindness of the islanders all make for an exquisite retreat.

Please pick up a copy of the magazine and enjoy the images of your stay.

Please also take a look at the three-page introduction in the July issue of “Discover Japan” on our website.


Denpaku was featured in the December 18 issue of Nikkei Business.

Denpaku’s community development efforts were featured in the December 18, 2023 issue of “Nikkei Business – Jiji Fukkuso (p.82-)”.

The article introduces the “Amami Product Market” which deals with products of producers and creators in the Amami Islands, as well as activities to support the transmission of traditional craft skills from one generation to the next, from the perspective of a regional trading company. Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

The same article is also published in the “Nikkei Business E-edition”, which we hope you will also read.


【Press Release】 “Tsumugi Suite Villa”, a new guest room where you can enjoy the nature and culture of Amami, is now available! ~Oshima Tsumugi x Art x Upcycling

(Head office: Amami Innovation Corporation, Amami City, Kagoshima Prefecture / President: Yasuhiro Yamashita), which is engaged in community development through the operation of accommodation facilities in the Amami Islands, is pleased to announce the launch of the 20th new guest room “Tsumugi Suite Villa” at “The Beachfront MIJORA” in Denpaku. Tsumugi Suite Villa”, the 20th guest room in “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA”, is now on sale.

The Beachfront MIJORA is a retreat villa that offers a lodging experience to help guests forget the hustle and bustle of daily life and prepare their minds through the great nature of Amami, based on the concept of “communicating with the nature of the island. The “Tsumugi” in the newly created “Tsumugi Suite Villa” represents Oshima silk, a traditional craft that has been handed down for approximately 1,300 years on Amami Oshima. This time, together with Mr. Masaken Moto, an Oshima Tsumugi weaver who has been in business for 8 generations in Amami Oshima, and Mr. Shingo Minami, an Oshima Tsumugi weaver who has been in business for over 60 years, we have re-edited and tailored the charm of Oshima Tsumugi into the guest rooms, creating a unique and original space that is embraced by the Amami nature.
This activity is one of Den Tomari’s efforts to pass on traditional Amami crafts such as Oshima tsumugi to the next generation.
The beautiful sea seen through the wide windows over 10 meters wide and the cultural and creative art space woven with Oshima tsumugi silk will provide you with a relaxing moment.


What is “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA”?

Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA, a luxury villa retreat, was established in July 2019 and is the fourth accommodation facility developed by Denpaku. The concept of Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA is “to interact with the nature of the island”. The view reflected in the largest glass window available in Amami is like a picture of the ever-changing sea and sky spread out before your eyes. The building also features a roof made of burnt cedar, inspired by Amami’s traditional “Takakura” architecture. It offers a tranquil and zen-like lodging experience where one forgets the hustle and bustle of daily life and faces the nature in front of one’s eyes.


What is the new “Tsumugi Suite Villa” where you can enjoy a stay of a higher rank?

The new “Tsumugi Suite Villa” is the largest villa in Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA, with 86 square meters, and can accommodate up to 4 guests.The theme of the villa is “Oshima Tsumugi x Art x Upcycling,” and upcycled materials from Oshima Tsumugi, a traditional Amami-Oshima craft with a history of 1,300 years and called one of the world’s three major textiles, are scattered throughout the villa. It is a creative art space that is typical of Denpaku, which weaves tradition into the future.

The Tsumugi Suite Villa is located on the second floor across the street from the other buildings, and its over 10-meter-wide glass windows overlook the seven-colored sea. The organic roof, which is reminiscent of the Amami sea and bobbing like waves, has more presence when illuminated by the Ryukyu glass, creating a fantastic experience as if you are looking at the surface of the water from inside the sea. The room offers a culturally healing experience while swaying in the egg chair installed in the room with a book selected from the mini library of books related to Amami in one hand.

Feature 1: One-of-a-kind Japanese-style room dressed in upcycled Oshima tsumugi “Amami cloth

The wallpaper is made of custom-directed “Amami Cloth” woven with 9 pieces of white Oshima silk threads torn into 5 mm lengths for the warp, and white silver threads and mud-dyed gold threads for the weft.
The wallpaper is based on the color white, but changes with the light, making it a special space where you can enjoy the passage of time.

What is “Amami cloth” upcycled from Oshima tsumugi?

Oshima tsumugi”, a traditional craft of Amami-Oshima Island, has lost its chance to be worn as well as the kimono has become less popular all over Japan. Amamifu” was developed by Mr. Masakazu Moto with the hope that people will continue to love it even in this new era. It utilizes a technique called saki-weaving, in which old Oshima tsumugi cloth is ripped and a new cloth is woven from the weft. This innovative weaving technique uses traditional tools, which allows Amami craftsmen to work and helps to pass on traditional techniques.

Feature 2: Bathroom to relax while savoring “White Oshima Tsumugi” all at once.

This bathroom is the only one of its kind in the world, with the entire wall covered with tiles made of Oshima tsumugi fabric and specially coated glass. The six types of Oshima tsumugi silk used for the tiles are called “Shiro Oshima tsumugi” (white Oshima tsumugi silk), which is woven by combining colorfully rubbed kasuri yarn and plain white yarn.

They offer a relaxing bath time with a new fascination for Oshima tsumugi.

Feature 3: “Oshima tsumugi” scattered throughout the guest rooms, creating a unique space

The first thing you will encounter is the mud-dyed handle of the entrance door.
The walls of the deep hallway are lined with upcycled Oshima silk and artwork depicting the nature of Amami.

Other cultural and high quality elements are chicly scattered in the guest rooms, creating a one-of-a-kind space where you can feel the tradition and innovation of Amami.

●About Mr. Tadaaki Hajime (President, Hajime Shoji Co., Ltd.)

Mr. Tadaaki Hajime is an Oshima Tsumugi weaver who has been in the Araya community on Amami Oshima for eight generations.
In 2018, he took over as the representative of the company and has been working on various products using traditional techniques and tools such as “Amami Cloth” and “Crystal Oshima Tsumugi” in addition to the production of Oshima Tsumugi.
Amami Cloth” will be used for the seats of a special edition Ferrari in 2022, and the company’s upcycled manufacturing is gaining recognition both in Japan and abroad.

Hajime Shoji’s official website: https://hajimeshoji.com/hajime-story/

●About Mr. Shingo Minami (President, Yumeori no Sato Co., Ltd.)

Mr. Shingo Minami, a weaver, continues to create new Oshima tsumugi under the motto “Tradition is always a series of new challenges. While running the only facility in Amami where the entire process from designing to weaving is done in-house, he also supports the Oshima silk industry as the leader of the Honjo Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project and vice-chairman of the Honjo Amami Oshima Tsumugi Sales Association.

Official website of Yumeori no Sato: https://www.yumeorinosato.com/

Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project: https://ohshimatsumuginextproject.com/

●About the “Oshima Tsumugi” Reconstruction Project

Led by Yasuhiro Yamashita, the head of “Denbari,” this project is an effort to pass on the Oshima tsumugi industry to the next generation, together with Amami Oshima’s Oshima tsumugi craftsmen and experts in various fields. The aim of the project is to pass on the traditional Oshima tsumugi technique by solving the lack of successors by adding value to the traditional Oshima tsumugi and discovering new possibilities for new Oshima tsumugi.

●About Denpaku

It consists of four types of lodging facilities: “Denpaku Furuminka”, “Denpaku Amami Hotel”, “Denpaku Dormitory & Laundry”, and “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA”. The community is being developed to promote interaction between the village residents and tourists.
Amami Oshima Island has nurtured a rich natural environment and ecosystem, and was registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 2021. Similarly, the approximately 360 different village cultures that have been handed down over hundreds of years from one “island” (village to another) to another in a variety of historical backgrounds are also valuable cultural resources that we can be proud of to the world. We consider them as “treasures of Amami” and started “Denpaku” in 2016 with the desire to protect them and hand them down to the future. Currently, we have 42 buildings and 52 rooms on the three islands of Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima, and Kakaroma Island.

Official HP: http://den-paku.com/
Community development by Denpaku: https://www.machizukuri.yamashita-yasuhiro.net/

【Publication information】 Denpaku was featured in the December issue of “MyAge – Heal body and soul on a remote island retreat! -Denpaku was introduced in the magazine “MyAge

Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA” and “Denpaku Amami Old Private House” were introduced in the December issue of “MyAge -Heal your body and soul at a remote island retreat” on sale on December 6, 2023! (P152-)” introduced “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA” and “Denpaku Amami Old Private House”.

Thank you very much for the wonderful introduction of our facilities and the charm of Amami Oshima in the magazine.
Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

【Award】Received the Gold Award in the “Kyushu Tourism Town Development AWARD 2023” sponsored by JR Kyushu

Denpaku”, a lodging facility on Amami Oshima Island, by Yasuhiro Yamashita (President of Atelier Tekuto Co., Ltd. and Amami Innovation Co., Ltd.), has won the Gold Award (in the “Inn (Hospitality)” category) in the “Kyushu Tourism Town Development AWARD 2023” sponsored by Kyushu Railway Company (hereinafter “JR Kyushu”). Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JR Kyushu”) in the “Kyushu Tourism Town Development AWARD 2023”. In conjunction with this award, Denpaku participated in the award ceremony held at the Tokyo Midtown Yaesu Conference on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.
Taking the opportunity of receiving the “Kyushu Tourism Town Development AWARD 2023” award, Denpaku will continue to make it its mission to pass on the “village culture” of the Amami Islands to the next generation, and will continue to work in deeper cooperation with the local community to create a town that makes the village happy.


What is the “Kyushu Tourism & Community Development AWARD 2023”?

The “Kyushu Tourism & Community Development AWARD 2023” is sponsored by Kyushu Railway Company, and was established with the basic philosophy of “honoring people and organizations that take root in Kyushu and develop it into an attractive “town” that will be the pride of the region and inspire travelers. The purpose of the festival is to highlight people who are creating new “things,” “events,” and “scenery” for the future while preserving the traditions and folklore unique to the region, and to communicate the unique attractions of the area.
The “Nishi-Kyushu Tourism & Town Development AWARD” held in 2022 was further developed and expanded to cover the “Kyushu” area, and was divided into four categories: “Food,” “Manufacturing,” “Nigiwai (liveliness),” and “Inns (hospitality). This is a very valuable award that recognizes the efforts of individuals and organizations in Kyushu that are engaged in attractive urban development.


Judging Criteria
(1) “Tradition”: Respect for the town’s unique climate, history, and traditions.
(2) “Evolution”: Creating new values that lead to the future without being bound by existing concepts.
(3) “Cyclical”: Sustained development by utilizing and protecting the richness of nature.
(4) “Collaboration”: Making efforts while involving the entire town.
(5) “Diverse”: Everyone can experience it, regardless of whether you are a traveler or a resident.
(*Quotes from the official release of Kyushu Railway Company)


Official release from Kyushu Railway Company: https://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/news/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/08/30/03_230830_kyushu_machidukuri_award.pdf


Commendation comments received from the judges

▼From Kyoko Sekine (hotel journalist)
I was very impressed by Denpaku’s mission of “passing on village culture to the next generation. I agree wholeheartedly with the concept of “aiming to create a society in which no one is left behind” by putting grandmothers and grandfathers in the leading roles.
The spiral of “the hotel is not destroying nature because it is built,” but rather “the surrounding environment is improving because the hotel is built, and cultural activities are growing and developing along with the hotel. The spiral is no longer just a place to stay overnight. The strong belief of the representative is utilized in the creation of this facility.


Comments on the award (from Yasuhiro Yamashita, architect and representative of Amami Innovation Co.)

I had been traveling abroad as an architect for many years, and my experience in supporting earthquake disaster reconstruction efforts had led me to believe that I must protect my own countryside.
At that time, the residents of my hometown, Amami, requested that I work on vacant houses, and the business was born in 2016. Almost 7 years have passed, and the company has grown from 2 employees to over 100 employees today. Denpaku has only highly motivated employees, but they are all amateurs. We are not experts in lodging, tourism, or city planning, but we want to be the “ultimate group of amateurs. This is because we believe that the grandparents are the main actors and that they should be the ones with strong feelings to accompany them. Receiving such a gratifying award encourages all of us to move forward into a new world. Thank you very much.
We will continue to make it our mission to pass on “village culture” to the next generation, and through community development that “turns everyday life into tourism” in villages, we will move toward the realization of “a society where no one is left behind.

【Publication information】Featured in “Discover Japan”.


Denpaku was featured in the October issue of “Discover Japan – 15 trips to heal me. / Double Special Feature “Kyushu”” on September 6, 2023. Denpaku was awarded the Gold Prize in the Lodging (Hospitality) category of the Kyushu Tourism Town Development AWERD and featured in the article about Denpaku’s town development.

Thank you very much for the wonderful article in the magazine introducing the charm of Amami Oshima and Denpaku’s town development.
Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

【Press Release】 Amami’s traditional boat is now available in a new form. A sunset cruising tour on the world’s one and only catamaran, “Denpaku Catamaran,” was born!


Denpaku” (Head office: Amami Innovation Co., Ltd., Amami City, Kagoshima Prefecture / President: Yasuhiro Yamashita), which is engaged in community development and operates retreat lodging facilities in the Amami Islands, has created an experience tour for guests of Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA to enjoy a sunset cruise on “Denpaku Catamaran”. Sunset cruising in Akagi Bay was born. You can enjoy a rich moment immersed in the nature of Amami while watching the setting sun in front of Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA.

“Denpaku Catamaran”, the only one of its kind in the world, was created in collaboration with Ryoichi Tsuboyama (59), the only boat builder in Amami who makes traditional wooden boats, and was designed and built in a way never seen before. In the past, wooden fishing boats called “taku-san” were a common sight in the Amami Sea, but they have become less common due to changes in the fishing industry and lifestyles.
With the birth of “Denpaku Catamaran,” we hope that this new form of traditional boat floating on the Amami Sea will help people learn more about the island’s traditional culture and natural beauty, and help to pass on traditional skills to the next generation.
Denpaku will continue to support the revitalization of local traditional crafts and the transmission of skills through the elimination of the lack of successors.

Denpaku Catamaran” Redesign of a traditional boat to make the sea more accessible and enjoyable

Denpaku, whose concept is to “pass on traditional and legendary architecture and village culture to the next generation,” has focused its attention on traditional Amami wooden boats. Currently, it is used in the “boat paddling race” that the Amami islanders look forward to every year, and is called “Ainoko-bune” on the island.

This boat was developed by an Amami boat builder in the Taisho era (1912-1926) by incorporating the advantages of the Okinawan wooden boat “Sabani”, which has excellent speed, into the wooden boat called “Itatsuke”, which has been used for fishing in Amami for a long time. The stable and fast performance of the boat made it popular among fishermen. However, as the fishing industry changed with the times, the number of traditional boats declined drastically. Mr. Tsuboyama is the only person in Amami who has inherited this shipbuilding technique.

Yamashita, the representative of “Denpaku” and an architect from Amami, did not want to see this traditional boat technology die out, so he designed the boat. Together with Mr. Tsuboyama, he worked for about a year to complete a boat that is “a new take on a traditional object, one that can only be found here in the world.
The stunning curvaceous beauty created by carefully bending wooden planks over time is a true expression of the high level of skill involved. By connecting two of these boats together in a luxurious manner, a sense of stability is maintained, creating space for cruising and other relaxing activities on the sea.

By implementing experience programs that “turn everyday island life into tourism,” including traditional local crafts, songs and dances, dialect, festivals, and local cuisine, Denpaku hopes to help spread valuable cultural resources and pass them on to the next generation.。

The Concept of Catamaran

Sparkling light and shimmering water
The warmth of handmade work and wood carries you along, and your heart will smile at the exciting time.

Till the falling sky connects to the sea
Fill your glass with the colors of the sunset and play with the scent of the tide and the water.

In a cradle floating on the mother sea
face to face with yourself, and slumber in the time of eternity.

About Akagina Bay Sunset Cruising

It consists of three types of lodging facilities: “Denpaku Old Folk Houses,” ” Denpaku Amami Hotel,” and “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA.” The community is being developed to promote interaction between the residents of the village and tourists.
Amami Oshima Island has nurtured a rich natural environment and ecosystem, and was registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 2021. Similarly, the approximately 360 different village cultures that have been handed down over hundreds of years from one “island” (village to another) to another in a variety of historical backgrounds are also valuable cultural resources that we can be proud of to the world. We consider them as “treasures of Amami” and started “Denpaku” in 2016 with the desire to protect them and hand them down to the future. Currently, we have 41 buildings and 51 rooms on the three islands of Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima, and Kakaroma Island.

For more information

About Denpaku

It consists of three types of lodging facilities: “Denpaku Old Folk Houses,” ” Denpaku Amami Hotel,” and “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA.” The community is being developed to promote interaction between the residents of the village and tourists.
Amami Oshima Island has nurtured a rich natural environment and ecosystem, and was registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 2021. Similarly, the approximately 360 different village cultures that have been handed down over hundreds of years from one “island” (village to another) to another in a variety of historical backgrounds are also valuable cultural resources that we can be proud of to the world. We consider them as “treasures of Amami” and started “Denpaku” in 2016 with the desire to protect them and hand them down to the future. Currently, we have 41 buildings and 51 rooms on the three islands of Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima, and Kakaroma Island.

About Denpaku

【Publication information】Featured in “TAKARAJIMASHA,Inc. I want to stay at least once in my lifetime! Miraculous and spectacular lodgings”.


一生に一度は泊まりたい! 奇跡の絶景宿


Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA” was featured in the July 13, 2023 issue of “TAKARAJIMASHA,Inc. The Beachfront MIJORA” was introduced in the magazine “Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA” on July 13, 2023.

Thank you very much for the wonderful text and photos, and for introducing us in the magazine full of the charms of Amami Oshima.
Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

【Publication information】Featured in “OZmagazineTRIP”.


Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA”, “Denpaku Ancient Houses”, and “Denpaku Amami Hotel” were featured in the June 28, 2023 issue of “Ozumagazine Trip: Japan’s World Heritage You Must See at Least Once in Your Life”, Denpaku Amami Hotel” were introduced in the “Ozumagazine Trip: Japan’s World Heritage Sites to See in Your Life”.

Thank you very much for the wonderful text and photos, and for introducing us in the magazine with full of the charm of Amami Oshima.
Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

【Publication information】Featured in “anan”.


The June 28, 2023 issue of “anan: A Healing Summer Journey Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA”, “Denpaku Old House”, and “Denpaku Amami Hotel” were introduced in the magazine “an anan Healing Summer Journey” which will be on sale on June 28, 2023.

Thank you very much for the wonderful text and photos, and for introducing us in the magazine with full of the charm of Amami Oshima.
Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

【Publication information】Featured in “Waraku”.


和樂 8・9月号

Denpaku The Beachfront MIJORA was introduced in “WARAKU: A Journey to the National Treasure 117” on sale on July 1, 2023.

Thank you very much for the wonderful text and photos, and for introducing us in the magazine with full of the charm of Amami Oshima.
Please pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.

Yamashita Yasuhiro and City Planning,” the official website of the group brand, opens.

Story of the inauguration of “Yasuhiro Yamashita and Community Development,” the official website of the group brand

From Yasuhiro Yamashita, Representative Architect

As an architect, I have created many buildings, specializing in the development of materials, structures, and construction methods. However, I began to feel a limit to what I could do with the “point” design of architecture, and gradually became interested in “urban development” that designs the “surface” of society, and after many years of research, I have been working hard to put this into practice in my hometown in the Amami Islands. Through various efforts, I have now thankfully grown from a “surface” to a “three-dimensional” structure with thickness.
We have come to believe that just as human beings are composed of 37 trillion cells, the connection between settlements forms cities and countries, and that the entry of outside information into these communities makes them healthy. We launched this brand site to contribute to the sustainability of the villages that need us, utilizing our experience cultivated in the Amami Islands.


Top page of the new brand official website

The official website of the group brand “Yasuhiro Yamashita and Community Development” will be launched on July 10, the anniversary of the establishment of “Atelier Tekuto”.


Vision of the new group brand official website

“We will listen to the small voices of the world’s villages,
We will create a town of beauty and health.
Bringing such innovation of happiness from Amami to the world.”


To support the development of eco-friendly retreat lodging facilities

We provide a one-stop service for the development of eco-friendly retreat accommodations that will create a region where people can earn money. We support development and operation methods appropriate for the region, from land search, design and supervision, consulting on lodging facility operation, producing local food and technology, and building regional partnerships, utilizing our past achievements and experience.


The Ideas Behind the Logo

The symbol mark of the newly created official website of the group brand continues to change. It was born from the idea that we are an organization that is constantly growing and cycling, and that we should be flexible enough to adapt ourselves to any form or thought in order to be close to the smallest voice.
The green color of the logo is also the color of the rich vegetation spreading in the Amami Islands. Just as plants produce nutrients through photosynthesis using water and light, the logo signifies the cycle of absorbing nature, materials, and local traditions to create a rich lifestyle for the community.


About our organization

We are composed of six organizations in Tokyo and Amami-Oshima.


1. Atelier Tekuto

Established in 1991, this organization is the root of architect Yamashita. As a creative design group that listens to the voice of materials, it is engaged in architectural design and urban planning in Japan and abroad.


2. Amami Innovation Co., Ltd.

Established in 2016, the company operates the “Denpaku” lodging facility, the “Magun Plaza” regional exchange center, and facilities for the elderly in the Amami Islands, creating interaction between village residents and tourists and creating local employment.


3. Amami Architects Co., Ltd.

Established in 2015 as a branch of Atelier Tekuto, Amami Architects Co., Ltd. is engaged in community development mainly in the Amami Islands through architectural design and real estate business.


4. General incorporated association SHIMA HITO TAKARA

Established in 2019, it aims to be a platform for local revitalization and is engaged in community development in the Amami Islands together with various businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions on and off the island.


5. General incorporated association Wellness.M

Established in 2021, Wellness.M contributes to the improvement of wellness in various regions through community development and product development with the participation of medical professionals.


6. Denpaku + Kogei Co., Ltd.

Established in 2019, this organization was created in the Amami Islands to expand Denbari throughout Japan, and currently operates Denpaku Komatsu in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
We would like to take this opportunity of the group’s inauguration to express our gratitude to all of you who have continued to support us. We will continue to work together with everyone in each community to create a happy community by listening to the voices of the little people.


For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact

We have prepared photographic data and facility materials related to the community development project that Amami Innovation Co.
Please contact us for more information.

Yasuhiro Yamashita and Community Development”, the official website of the group brand
Public Relations: Makaha Yamashita

TEL:03-6439-5540 MAIL:info@yamashita-yasuhiro.net